02 April 2009

Family Update: Wizard of Oz edition

by Cecily
Here is an email, in its entirety, that I recently received from my mama, ensubjected "Theorem and Proof":

I postulate:

A. That in the last six months I have had to spend a lot of hours being Very Bored Indeed sitting in the back of taxis (also afraid for my life from the sketchy driving most of the time, but that’s another story).

B. So I started noticing an aspect of the city that maybe not everyone here has perceived, and I began taking the camera everywhere, and getting pictures to document my case. Jim has become extremely disgusted with this particular obsession of mine, and will no longer speak to me about it. I have embarrassed him enough! It’s time to tell the world the truth about where we live!

Here is the proof:

This was followed by a link to a photo album called "Not = Kansas", from which I have extracted representative samples.

(left at home in KansasSeattle.


the Emerald City:

emerald city 1

emerald city 2

emerald city 3

emerald city 4

emerald city 5

the Wicked Witch of the West:

wicked witch

The Cowardly Lion:

cowardly lion enshrined

Omby Amby(s):

Omby Ambys

Tik-Tok's house:

tik tok's house

The Gump:

the gump

The Wise Donkey:

wise donkey

and then later, a followup captioned "Also? Yesterday we found the rainbow! Only I think waaay too many people have been over it."

overused rainbow

The rest of the pictures are here.

So. There you go. That's all I have to say about that. Except, oh, I am going to Mozambique in June with some siblings. So that will be fun. If you're in Mozambique, we should totally meet up.

1 comment:

  1. Barb--I'd say, keep your eye out for the Patchwork Girl and your case is clearly irrefutable!!
