29 April 2008

Getting bored is not allowed. Sometimes I comb my hair with a fork.

by Cecily
Just kidding. Everyone knows I never comb my hair, period.

Lindsay and I leave for Africa in a week. LESS than a week! SIX DAYS!

This means that very soon I'll be all totally on top of updating this thing. Because I'll have so many exciting stories to tell you. Stories about sitting on the balcony drinking beer, and stories about eating very small delicious bananas, and probably some stories about my parents' ridiculous dog. Then if you guys are good, I'll throw in some stuff about Rwanda. Maybe.

Anyway so right, we leave Monday night next week. I'm excited cause we have an overnight in Addis Ababa and it's more than twelve hours so we have to get visas and the only reason I ever do ANYTHING is to get extra fancy stamps in my passport.

Meanwhile, and by "meanwhile" I mean "starting a week ago", I have so many things to do before I leave that I barely have time to sit in my room and cry about it. So don't hold your breath for any more posts between now and . . . I'm gonna go with Wednesday the 7th.

For your entertainment while you pine away for me, here's a picture of my favorite friend Rory, wearing lots of ultraviolet marker and not holding very still in the blacklight. It's Science!

face with glowing eyebrows, mustache and goatee drawn on

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