10 January 2007


by Cecily
Remember a long time ago when I went to Albuquerque? Here is me giving my fancy presentation. I can't remember what I was talking about exactly but apparently there were two of something.
Cecily signing TWO
Either that or I was just talking about the hand configuration there. That's what my main point was, to talk about hand configurations.

As it turns out, that is often my main point. It came up three times at my party last weekend. I am a barrel of fun at parties, let me tell you! If you ever want to go out to a bar and draw diagrams of sentences and examine different types of phonological notation, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I DO! I want to go out to a bar and draw diagrams of sentences and examine different types of phonological notation! Actually, you'll have to do the drawing, since I have no idea what any of that means, but I'll help out by drinking beer, trying to look interested, and continuing to hand you fresh drawing napkins.

    A lot has happened since I saw you! Well, to you, anyway. I think some letters are in order....
